Three Tips to Energize a Burned Out Team
I’m a card carrying child of the 80s.
A kid who rushed off to college to study marketing, just as the global phenomenon of Michael Jordan took hold.
Jordan changed the game for sports, marketing, and business the world over. Just Do It became my personal motto, leading me into a long career in sports, health, and fitness.
Working at companies like Nike and Pepsico’s Gatorade, and marketing the biggest athletes of our time, felt like hitting the jackpot. It was awe inspiring to get to study athletes up close. To understand the precision with which every aspect of their rest, training, nutrition, and psychology was planned, practiced, supported by a team of coaches and executed.
For me, athletes were muses, and inspirations who fought tirelessly to reach the top of the mountain. I studied their powerful ability to galvanize millions and applied it to consumer-focused products and services. However, I didn't consider how they inspired people in the business world to aim higher in their professional lives.
As my career grew, my family did too. Only two weeks after my third child was born, I felt it was a badge of honor that I was able to be back on “emergency” conference calls. It was the height of the 2008 recession. I was working non-stop to save a business in crisis but also cratering under a load of breastfeeding and broken sleep. After about three months of an unsustainable postpartum cycle, the wheels most certainly fell off my bus. After much soul-searching, I realized that my job and personal life demands were as much, if not more, than the pressures I saw professional athletes face.
In hindsight, I realize if I had applied the same elite strategies athletes deploy daily to get and keep themselves “game-day ready”, my story could have been vastly different.
Today, we are seeing a similar burnout scenario play out across businesses large and small. The Great Resignation. “Quiet Quitting.” People who have made themselves go, go, go, have hit the proverbial wall. Similar to my own experience in 2008, the collective wheels of the global workforce have come off the bus.
It seems clear, the way we work in the modern world is burning people out.
As the former CEO of Exos, a corporate performance coaching company, I spent most of the pandemic studying a new kind of athlete.
Adult workers, like you and me, get up every day to perform under just as much stress as our favorite sports stars.
I’ve seen a wide range of efforts aimed at addressing the burnout crisis. Some are effective, and some aren’t. However, I can share the three most important insights derived from decades of research and experience in human performance:
1. Stay up to date on human performance
If you’re leading in ANY company or team in this era, make this your #1 priority. Period. Not sales, marketing or finance strategy. Human performance and well-being is the thing that will take your company to the next level. Why? Because success doesn’t happen without a happy, healthy, and engaged workforce.
24/7 connectivity and the expectations of today’s working world are burning people out.
And benefits? I have heard too many stories about HR leaders and department heads green lighting countless well-being benefits. Then they scratch their heads because they are not getting used. The simple answer is that the employees are already too overwhelmed with the mountains of work on their plates. It just feels like another chore piling up on the weekend list. So it's up to you to advocate for your teams wellbeing instead of just assuming HR will take care of it.
2. Understand the mind-body connection
If you want to drive sustained high performance, you need to understand the mind-body connection the way an athlete does.
An integrated strategy is the only way to get a lasting impact. Meditation apps, nutrition plans, workout classes, psychological support - none of these tactics work if they are not aligned and integrated.
Just like those top athletes I used to observe back in the day, whose coaches carefully prescribed the right amount of rest with the right amount of training. And who understood the glorious impact of good nutrition in stimulating the right kind of brain response. This is the kind of approach we need today in the workplace if we want our teams to thrive and increase productivity.
3, Remember: greatness is a team sport
There is so much debate today about hybrid work and getting workers back to the office. Let's be honest, not much is working. But if you step back and think about it, in many instances, this is because return-to-work experiments were hardly very well planned or architected.
As a leader, it's your job to be the team captain, the player on the field who coaches in the moment. How can you do that if you’re not intentionally setting up the right environment to see your team in action?
Returning to the office is going to be an epic fail if it’s only about free bagels and full days of Zoom calls. Instead, bringing extraordinary intention and purpose to in-person time, spaces, and interactions is what will make the difference for a successful return-to-work plan.