Quiz Result: Are you having trouble staying fired up?

You know what it means to be Extreme You – sometimes. But other times you stick to playing it safe or mailing it in. That might be just the way you like it, or it might feel right given where you’re at in life right now. If you want more, though, there are steps you can take. Being an Extremer isn’t about going all-in all of the time, but it does mean you’re willing to push yourself to the next level even when you’ve experienced success. Inconsistent efforts won’t get you to the opportunities and discoveries you need to really grow, so find the experiences that make you want to go all in.

Extreme Moves:
 Get Out of Line – Learn how to identify moments when you have the knowledge and strength to leapfrog over those around you. Start by scanning for opportunities to be more pro-active, and see chapter three for more ideas.
Try Some Pain Training – It’s necessary to strip yourself down to your most vulnerable before you get on the path to your next win. Start by telling the truth about your setbacks, and see chapter five for more ideas.

The Extremer Quiz is designed to help you Check Yourself Out to figure out how much your current choices are enabling you to live up to your extreme potential. There are four categories that you could have landed in based on your score:

  1. Do You Need to Fire Yourself Up?

  2. Are You Having Trouble Staying Fired Up?

  3. Don't Stop Now! You’re Getting Your Ass in Gear.

  4. You’re an Ass-Kicker!

The Extremer Quiz Explained page details each of these levels of Extremeness if you want to find out more.