Quiz Result: You’re an Ass-Kicker!

You’ve figured out what it takes to be an Extremer – that the more you develop yourself, the more new potential you can find. You recognize that even if you’re successful on your own terms, you couldn’t get there without the support of others. That’s awesome! But you can’t rest on your laurels. It’s only a matter of time before the next turn of the Extremer Cycle. One day you will find that you’re either in too deep or stuck on a plateau. Don’t get too comfortable if you want to keep kicking ass.

Extreme Move:
• Break Yourself to Make Yourself  – Know when you’ve reached your potential where you’re at and it’s time to set the bar higher and start over. Start by ignoring what the competition is doing, and see chapter ten for more ideas.

The Extremer Quiz is designed to help you Check Yourself Out to figure out how much your current choices are enabling you to live up to your extreme potential. There are four categories that you could have landed in based on your score:

  1. Do You Need to Fire Yourself Up?

  2. Are You Having Trouble Staying Fired Up?

  3. Don't Stop Now! You’re Getting Your Ass in Gear.

  4. You’re an Ass-Kicker!

The Extremer Quiz Explained page details each of these levels of Extremeness if you want to find out more.