Quiz Result: Don’t Stop Now! You’re Getting Your Ass in Gear

You’re so so close, but not quite there yet in maximizing Extreme You. You’re up for trying new things, willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and you have ambition. But sometimes you still hold yourself back or are a little too reluctant to take a good, hard look in the mirror. Keep doing what you’re doing, but think about what it’s going to take to get you to that next level.

Extreme Move:
• Get Over Yourself – Take a hard look at your successes and your failures and understand your role in both. Start by identifying your weak bits and looking for Extreme Mates who can share their strengths. Then see chapter four for more ideas.

The Extremer Quiz is designed to help you Check Yourself Out to figure out how much your current choices are enabling you to live up to your extreme potential. There are four categories that you could have landed in based on your score:

  1. Do You Need to Fire Yourself Up?

  2. Are You Having Trouble Staying Fired Up?

  3. Don't Stop Now! You’re Getting Your Ass in Gear.

  4. You’re an Ass-Kicker!

The Extremer Quiz Explained page details each of these levels of Extremeness if you want to find out more.